Ryan Andrew Wrobel... born eleven, twenty, nineteen eighty-four... Chicago blood with Arizona roots... Phoenix born, Scottsdale raised... Coronado High School grad... Scottsdale Community College grad... University of Nebraska at Kearney grad... washed up former college baseball player... Chicago sports enthusiast... Rush and Iron Maiden fanatic... and pretty much all music for that matter... Bass guitar fanatic... Chicken wing connoisseur... Taco connoisseur... Fish and Chips connoiseur... Dive bars... Being outside...always a student of whatever I'm doing... Over user of three periods at the end of a statement... yada yada yada yada yada blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah....
So If you're still actually reading... Pretty much since I've been old enough to pick up a pencil I've been drawing... always found pleasure with it... and being the "black or white", "yes or no" type of a person that I am, I never was drawn necessarily to the creative or abstract side of art, but rather looking at something and trying recreate it as best I could... just the way I am... I still and will always dig the challenge of it... every highlight, shadow, fold, crease, wrinkle, reflection, etc. in whatever your eyes see is there for a reason... and I am a big believer in the age-old saying "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts".
Now off on a tangent... Arizona is very dear to my heart (I dare you to pry me away from this state!)... one of the plethora of reasons is the outdoor beauty... the mountains, the desert, the saguaros, the monsoon storms... so many iconic and unmistakable things... so going back to my last statement in the previous paragraph of rambling, let's look at say, the Superstition Mountains... more specifically at the Siphon Draw Trailhead, looking up at Flat Iron Summit... unmistakable and iconic... you take it in as a whole and your jaw drops... but when you look at it further you see how many valleys, crevices, rocks, curves, nooks, & crannies it takes in a specific arrangement to make that image... And as I try and push myself to do more pieces that are Arizona themed and are more complicated, the challege of capturing all that detail of whatever I'm drawing is what I enjoy!

If your'e interested in purchasing an original drawing or giclee reproduction, message me here! I am hit or miss as far as commissions go but it never hurts to ask... if requesting a commission please bear in mind that depending on size and subject matter, these drawings typically take me anywhere from a dozen to a few dozen hours to complete... and while swinging my art with a full time job, a certain time period is needed in order to complete it.